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    Subject: ***


    Warm greetings! This is 阿華的日記 ver. 2.0. Since my graduation last year, I've been considering to create a new page quite a while to talk more about "the new page" of my life, which definitely would be an entirely new look than before. Not a naive student anymore, I'd like to record my growth, the process of turning into an adult who makes her own money and learns to take care of the loved ones and herself.

    Still, I'll share my life styles, including those positive or negative bullshit, and the silly, awkward stuffs which annoy me all the time. Here you may
     see me shit on others more often than usual (propably mainly for the work?). It may be kind of cynical.
    Anyways, either you like my vibes or not, welcome to let me know. I'm pleased to any comments. Lurkers are welcomed as well.

    Thanks for reading. Hope you a good one.

    Thanks & BR,