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    想進 Facebook?先答答這 13 個超硬面試問題


    根據美國就業資訊網站 Glassdoor 指出1,最難得到面試機會的幾家科技公司裡, Facebook 絕對榜上有名,而且 Facebook 的面試更是全球最難的面試之一!主要原因就是因為他們是出了名的愛問超硬面試題。

    為了讓大家更了解如何準備這家社群媒體大頭的面試,根據 Glassdoor 使用者在網上給的回饋,整理出了以下 13 個問題2

    想進 Facebook?先看你答不答得出來吧!

    1. Facebook 數據專家面試問題:「每天有多少則生日祝賀貼文會出現在 Facebook 上?」

    “How many birthday posts occur on Facebook on a given day?” — Facebook Data Scientist

    2. Facebook 數據專家面試問題:「你有三次機會擲骰子,根據三次內你擲到的最高點數 X 你可以得到 $X 元,你可以隨時停止,不一定要把三次擲完(舉例來說,如果你第一次就擲到 6,你就可以不用再擲了),你估計你能拿到幾元?」

    "You can roll a dice three times. You will be given $X where X is the highest roll you get. You can choose to stop rolling at any time (e.g., if you roll a 6 on the first roll, you can stop). What is your expected payout?” —Facebook Data Scientist

    3. Facebook 會計主管面試問題:「人們在網路上花了多少錢?」

    “How much money is spent on the internet?” —Facebook Account Manager

    4. Facebook 客戶夥伴面試問題:「你會怎麼向客戶推銷 Facebook?在你看來,在 Facebook 上做廣告有哪些好處?」

    “How would you sell Facebook to clients? What are the benefits of advertising over Facebook, as you see it.” —Facebook Client Partner

    5. Facebook 使用者數據營運助理面試問題:「如果你看到使用者上傳照片的使用率突然下降了 50%,你會怎麼反應?」

    “Tell me your plan of action if you saw that photo uploads suddenly dropped by 50%.” —Facebook Operations Associate User Intelligence

    6. Facebook 產品分析面試問題:「在一條長度為 1 的直線上隨機取兩點,由這兩點分成的三個線段能形成一個三角形的機率是多少?」

    "Two points are randomly placed on a line of length 1. What is the probability that the three segments created form a triangle?” —Facebook Product Analyst

    7. Facebook 產品設計面試問題:「請分析 iPhone 上將應用程式分類的資料夾(folder)管理機制,並說明這個功能還可以如何改進?」

    “Analyze the iPhone ‘folder’ mechanism for grouping apps and suggest ways it could be improved.” —Facebook Product Designer

    8. Facebook 產品設計師面試問題:「你會怎麼重新設計電視遙控器功能跟特色?」

    “How would you redesign the features/functionality of a television remote control?” —Facebook Product Designer

    9. Facebook 產品經理面試問題:「請估計一下美國地區的機場數量。」

    “Estimate the number of airports in the US.” —Facebook Product Manager

    10. Facebook 軟體工程師面試問題:「給你一個二元樹,寫一個程式將它一行一行輸出在螢幕上。」

    “Given a binary tree, write code to print the tree out line by line.” —Facebook Software Engineer

    11. Facebook 軟體工程師面試問題:「你會如何算出一座交通繁忙的橋上車輛流量?」

    “How would you find out the number of cars passing through a busy bridge?” —Facebook Software Engineer

    12. Facebook 產品經理面試問題:「敘述你設計一個應用程式的過程。」

    “Walk me through how you would design an app.” —Facebook Product Manager

    13. Facebook 軟體工程師面試問題:「如果你可以對 Facebook 做出改變,你會做什麼?」

    “If you could change something about Facebook what would it be?” —Facebook Software Engineer interview candidate